Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hot Shot of the Evening

Part of the fun doing this blog has been seeing how many other blogs pick up from "All Natural & More" like the one above. With a few exceptions everybody does the same thing and I take it as a compliment. Only thing I don't like is when some chump puts his name on something I've edited, enhanced, etc. Tell you a secret: I put little labels in a couple of places on each shot. They only show up when really enlarged but I can always find 'em and it makes me smile. So if/when you see something you like and want to copy it onto your blog, go for it. Just don't be a chump!   ;-)

I'll be posting when I can.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hot Shot of the Evening

This dude has always been one of my favorites. Definitely a BILF. Don't know his name or how old his pics are, but the smile is great, the bod is hot, and it's totally natural. Like I always say, you don't have to be hairy to be hot -- some hot dudes are naturally smooth. Just don't fuckin' shave your body, man! Natural is hot, shaved bodies are not.

TIME is always a thing. It's great to have all the Buddies and see how many people check in. Jeez, it's almost  7 M I L L I O N  hits! Never did we (Scooter and me) expect anything like that when we started, it was just for fun. Still is, but that fucker TIME sticks his bloody nose in more and more. And that fucker WORK. I'll be posting when I can as much as I can but don't know how often that will be. Just know I'm not purposely ignoring the blog...or the Buddies. 'Til next time...



Bisexual Visibility Week May Be Over, But Gay Mens’ Responsibilities Aren’t

by Charles Pulliam-Moore
September 29, 2015

Bad graphic but what the hell...

Now that Bisexual Visibility Week has drawn to a close, it feels like an appropriate time to talk about that role that we (gay men) play in maintaining a culture that makes it difficult to come out as bisexual.

For many gay men, the appeal of dating or hooking up with a bi guy is similar to the reason we fetishize straight men. As men who sleep with women, bi guys exist in a cultural space that says that they must be inherently more masculine by virtue of their sexual desires. Because masculinity is (largely) the most valuable form of social currency in the gay male social scene, we often think of bisexual men as being just shy of the straight platonic ideal of masculinity.

Unlike straight men who: a.) aren’t interested in other men and b.) probably wouldn’t be very good at the whole gay sex thing, bisexual men are made out to be the perfect objects of gay male sexual desire. Masc enough to pass and masc enough to handle whatever sort of carnal obstacles another man may throw his way. All of these ideas make excellent fodder for tortured, queer indie films or the occasional masturbatory daydream, but in practice, they limit the different sort of niches that we allow bi-identified guys to fit into both in our personal lives and the larger queer community.

Last year, Dan Savage picked up a piece that I’d written about the idea that bisexuality as we commonly think of it is more complicated than simply being physically or emotionally attracted to both genders. Often, we assume that all bi folks are bi-sexual (sexually interested in members of both sex) and bi-amourous ( interested in building romantic connections with members of both sexes) at the same “level.”

It’s a common enough story that we’re all familiar with the beats: You hook up with a guy who tells you he’s bi and after a few weeks of “dating,” when you try to take things to the next level, he breaks it to you that he doesn’t see a relationship with another man for himself. The immediate assumption is that you’ve been led on and that this self-proclaimed bisexual is probably just a gay guy too chicken s–t to own up to being gay.

That incorrect assumption, I argued, is where a lot of the hostility from within the gay and lesbian community toward bisexual people actually comes from. While same-sex sexual encounters may come naturally for some men, romantic interactions between those same men and other guys may not be nearly as instinctive.

When I first wrote about bi-sexuality and bi-amourousness, I put most of the onus on the bi guys in question to be introspective about their desires and strive to be as upfront with their partners as possible about their intentions. In retrospect though, there’s a lot that we, gay men, can be doing to make queer spaces more welcoming to bi guys.

In the same way that bisexual men (and their potential partners) need to work on being more honest, thoughtful, and transparent about their intentions concerning one another, gay men could stand to be a bit more open minded in our conceptualizations of bisexuality.

When we talk about bi-invisibility, we’re usually talking about the ways in which we deny the validity of their identities. We say that bisexuality isn’t real or that it’s just a phase, but there are other, more subtle ways that we participate in bi-erasure and exclusion, particularly when it comes to men.

The “positive” stereotypes that we project onto bisexual men can ultimately become more of a burden than we may intend. When we define bisexuality as a form of “straight” masculinity that comes along with the benefits of gay intimacy, we aren’t just devaluing gay mens’ worth, we’re limiting the number of ways that bisexual guys can fit into the community.

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

What I'm Talkin' About

Where it says in real life the lines are blurred and guys of all types are more sexually "fluid" than ever before? So true! Maybe it's not just that gay, bi, and str8 guys can have a great time together doin' whatever, but that real bros can have some of the strongest relationships. Maybe you grew up next door other and went through puberty together. Maybe you connected in college. Maybe you dated the same girl and found out you liked chillin' w/each other better. Maybe you don't need to put labels on it. "A sweet private understanding."

RELATED:  1 in 2 young people say they are not 100% heterosexual

Friday, September 25, 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015