Thursday, December 8, 2022

Respect for Marriage Act Passes

The U.S. Senate passed the "Respect for Marriage" act on Tuesday. This landmark legislation protects same-sex and interracial marriages. All the Democrats and 12 Republicans voted for it. 38 Republicans voted against it in the Senate. The House of Representatives gave it a final vote today, December 8, and President Biden will sign it into law.
“The federal government will never again stand in the way of marrying the person you love.” ~ Nancy Pelosi 


whkattk said...

Yep. The feds won't, but the language of the bill allows individual states to ban it, though the "respect for" means they must honor those performed in any state which does allow it. That forces couples to travel - even if they can't afford to...kinda like the abortion bans some states have in place. Bottom line, I guess, is that the Red states will continue to opening and legally practice their bigotry.

jr73080 said...

It's shameful that those in politics' play with our lives with no consideration. We need to stop listening and start thinking about what these people are doing.

JiEL said...

USA is decades behing us in Canada where gay marriage (we call it gay union) is in our national law for such a long time.

For inter racial marriage, it's no surprising that it is still an issue in USA for 49% of your citizens are white Christians having some kind of fear of any other races.

Red states will surely try to overturn the federal law as they did for the abortion case.

SteveXS said...

whkaatk, and that's why it matters who gets elected and who gets to decide laws because the new law would have been more expansive had it not been subject to backroom Republican demands. This is what it was possible to get with the current members of Congress. It could be improved if/when Democrats have strong majorities in both houses.