Monday, January 19, 2009

A Fable — Chapter 6

As they often did, Scooter and Bubba were having the same thought. What just happened? One minute we were wrestlin’ and then we were in some parallel dimension where my best friend looked, felt, smelled, and tasted different. Why do I have a bone? Why the fuck am I sportin’ wood?!

They were breathing hard, but truth be known, not from the physical exertion. It was scary, this new feeling. Face it, they wrestled all the time…

...once in a while with a little more tickling...

...showed off to each other all the time, charting each other’s physical progress (Scooter was a little bigger)...

...pissed off the cliff together (but not #2, that would be too gross)...

...and beat off at the camp every day after school, with Buck’s porn for inspiration...

...but all that was different. They were just bein’ guys, doin’ what guys do, helpin’ a buddy out.

Now it wasn’t magazine pictures of pussy making Scooter’s dick so hard, it was Bubba’s tight ass, the light fuzz making him crazy to see what was up inside the crack. He imagined himself invading it, like he’d been thinking about doing with Betty Ann Bupkiss...

...or (ideas racing in his head) sneaking into the house after everyone had left...

...or stealing a few minutes on their summer job baling hay...

...but when it finally happened, it was Bubba who made the move. He didn’t say anything but maneuvered himself on top and, before he had time to think about it too much, kissed his best friend right on the mouth, just like he'd seen in movies, except this was Scooter...and then the whole world was new.

Scooter’s instincts — and hormones — took over and they began to figure it out.


  1. This is the coolest fucking story. Can't wait to see what happens next!

  2. Hey - like Anonymous said, what happens next?
