Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tks 4 Thoughts

Hey Guys,

Somethin wrong w/reply function & can't answer individually so want 2 let u know I appreciate the comments, pro & con. 4 me not a question or hairy or smooth but natural vs. shaved. Lotsa hot dudes and girls w/o lotsa hair in their sexy places but that's how nature made 'em & even then they have those vry fine little hairs that shine golden in the sun. What u do w/what u got is totally ur biz -- I just don't like the idea that guys who are more gifted in that way oughta feel they need 2 shave it off 2 b hot (or cool). Stay in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bubba - sounds like you've takin some shit on this topic. I think you nailed it in this last intro; it's about natural vs. shaved, not hairy = masculine or shaved = sissy. As you said, it's about preference as long as your preference isn't influenced by pressure to look like a "boy", or it doesn't smell, or the mate/partner likes it that way. But you gotta know, I a dude with hair and one that is shaved is in a line-up for my choosing.... hands-down or fingers up, it would be the dude with hair. Some trimming if you gotta, but show the hair. Now the shaft hair... well I kinda also like it there for the exact reason the dude didn't like it - so the smoothe inner lips can get the extra stimulation. I guess it could make the pussy sore; have a girl that gets sore when we fuck a lot. Maybe that's why... lol
