Monday, September 3, 2012

More People With Issues

Rev. Salvatore Cordilione, newly appointed by Pope Benedict to be Archbishop of San Francisco, reportedly got his promotion thanks to leading the Proposition Hate (sorry, 8) charge against gay marriage. Cordilione is also recorded as having run an investigation into a Catholic group believing gays and lesbians can continue in their faith and be good Catholics. Not so, said Salvatore.

Coincidentally, he was picked up for DUI recently...

Priests and alcohol are an old story. Clergy of many different kinds and alcohol is an old story. But given the fact that Cordilione has been a crusader against gay rights, people have been referring to a classic study of RC clergy and their private lives by Robert Sipe, "A Secret World" that discusses the relationship between priestly alcohol abuse and suppression of homosexual desires. You just never know...

1 comment:

  1. Hell, he even LOOKS gay! Well, maybe it's the red satin dress and matching hat. IDK.
