Sunday, March 9, 2014

Be honest, wouldn't you rather see . . .

I don’t usually go in for models because so often evil queens put them in stupid outfits and fuck up their natural looks. You've seen this guy all over. Florian Bourdila, Italian/Dutch, born in Paris in 1989. He began modeling professionally at 19. He stands 6’1” tall. Now be honest, wouldn’t rather see this . . .

. . . than this?!


  1. Natural is the only way. Men need to be men, that's why I love them.

  2. "Be honest". First 4 pictures - a big yes! I am dismayed by what I see in picture 5.

  3. He has matured in a very handsome natural man....

    Nice post because too many gay men are «fantasizing» on to much boyish type.
    The too young men are not mature enough for me and they frankly cannot give me what I really want.
    Wisedom and real experience in life.

    They're «cute» but that's all...

    (((( HUGS ))))

  4. Well ... what gets you hard? Definitely not the last pic for me; but the first ones where he looks like a man? No question about it!
