Sunday, August 17, 2014

Country Boys

Country boys don’t have holes in their ears, rings in their nose, and they may be naturally smooth but they sure as fuck don’t wax their chest. Country boys are not the same as cowboys. Country boys are not the same as rednecks. Country boys are often but may not always be the same as farm boys. Country boys don’t mind — and kinda like — getting getting dirty working or playing, but then they take a shower. Not that many country boys get tattoos ('cause they secretly think it's kinda trashy). Country boys are all-American without the phony flag bullshit. (The flags aren’t phony, but waving them to make people think you have an edge on patriotism is.) You can take a picture of a city boy in the country but like the old farmhand used to say, “Cat has kittens in the oven don’t make ’em biscuits.”

This is pretty but not a country boy . . .

These are country boys . . .


  1. Great load of country boys. Thanks Steve ;-)

  2. "Country Boys". Thanks for these pictures of Country Boys. Makes me think of Jake, a favorite here of a few months ago.

  3. I could agree on all the pics except the gent in the black and white photo4354. It's doubtful that he's country.
    It would be interesting to see your definitions of cowboy and redneck. To me they can overlap.
    Country or not, these gents are damned fine looking.

  4. Maybe a bit of a stretch. That pic has been all over the place for a long time. But he's a real working farm-country boy in the Australian Outback.
