Thursday, November 20, 2014

There Is Still Kindness In The World Pic of the Day


  1. It restores my faith that there's still some kind people in the world.

  2. When I see those "cuties", young men kissing and giving such love scenes, I think that it's nice and that at least mentalyties are evolving..

    But, must say that it's also making me sad because there are ONLY young men shown in those lovely photos...
    As a mature man, I feel like WE, mature old men, can no more be seen as loving persons...

    Hard to express my idea but in "gay scenes", lot of place for cuties and I feel like there is a "oldies bashing" from the gay people...

    Yes, every one just melts seeing those cute guys kissing but not sure it's all REAL WORLD.

    I know many young couples that separate after months of even weeks of LOVE... Gay world is of having pleasure more than having a REAL comitment one to another for life and for REAL LOVE..

