Sunday, December 28, 2014

Compare and Contrast

Not to run this too much into the ground, but compare the way guys looked down below during World War II and how they look today. You can’t imagine those guys fighting a war even thinking about shaving their pubes. It would have been totally unnatural. But now, every crotch you see has been mangled. Progress? Or a sure sign of decadence? (Asks the guy with the porn blog!)


  1. I like the natural look myself, or slightly trimmed, but I gotta say, Crabs (pubic lice) are becoming an endangered species because of "habitat destruction" read this in a news group a while back.

  2. The military dudes began shaving the pubes sometime during the VietNam war for the same reason we have "commando" - it helped them stay dry and prevented crotch-rot, as well as keeping critters at bay.

    Today, it's just because some guys prefer the look. Trimmed is fine, but I'm not a fan of shaved crotches at all - personally, it makes it seem very much like pedophilia and that's gross.

  3. Yep, I've seen lots of comments that shaving pubes was an aid to crotch health, not giving critters places to breed, etc. But how did we go for thousands of generations not doing it? Did all those generations of soldiers and civilians suffer rotten crotches because they didn't shave their pubes? I really don't think so. There may be some guys who shave off their pubes because they find it hard to stay clean but otherwise, it's a matter of style and taste. And I'd rather taste what's natural!
