Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday PM


  1. Pic no.4, the guy with is double armpits on a Brown couch is a man I know very well..

    From Aug,2007 to Dec. 2007, he was living with me as a roomate in my appartment.

    He is from Brazil but was raised here in Montréal.

    I met him as a male stripper at the Campus nude dancer bar in Montréal.
    He needed a place to live so he came in my place..

    Loved to go naked all around and, big issue, has a drug problem..

    He was some artist too as a talented painter but so much addicted to drugs and alcool....

    A cute young man but with big issues..

  2. Jean-Luc, thanks for letting me know. I'm going to delete the pic and replace it with something else. I don't like the idea of posting people with, as you say, big issues. Or those who have passed away. Just a quirk of mine. Cheers.
