Friday, September 11, 2015

Donald Trump: Entertainer (a.k.a. Asshat)

Donald Trump Says Remarks About Carly Fiorina's Face Were Made As An 'Entertainer'
Next thing you know, he'll admit his whole campaign is a joke.

Stephanie Marcus, Entertainment Editor, Huffington Post

Posted: 09/11/2015 09:22 AM EDT

Donald Trump isn't a politician. He's an entertainer.

In fact, he admitted to owning that descriptor when he was pressed to explain why he said rude things about fellow Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's face.

“Many of those comments are made as an entertainer because I did 'The Apprentice' and it was one of the top shows on television,” he told Greta Van Susteren when he called into Fox on Thursday night. “Some comments are made as an entertainer and as everybody said, as an entertainer is a much different ball game.”

What's that? An entertainer, you say? Like the kind that has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Of course, Trump didn't make those comments during his time hosting "The Apprentice."

"Look at that face!" he cried. "Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!"

No, those comments were were published in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine on Wednesday -- at a time when he's allegedly trying to run a presidential campaign. Trump is a former reality star, Razzie-winner and a self-professed entertainer. Hope that clears things up for anyone who thought otherwise.

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