Monday, November 23, 2015

Dude With and Without Jeans

Hey folks, fighting a cold and hittin' the sack early but wanted to share this hot dude. You know how I feel about beards (caca) but consistency something or other . . .


  1. An exceptionally beautiful manly body that has sadly been defaced by a surfeit of tattoos. At least he hasn't marred his handsome face. shaven off his body hair, or applied so much ink that you can't appreciate the fine tone of his skin.

  2. Mighty fine, including the beautiful veins on his arms.

  3. Agree about the tats. Still not crazy about the beard but the rest is hot.

  4. All right, maybe this is another place where we will have to disagree. I really like this gentleman's beard. But there's no flab on him anywhere so that's a huge plus.

  5. Que buen macho, a demás tiene pinta de ser un tío dominante que usa con facilidad la mano para someterte si no sabes responder a sus esigencias sexuales.

  6. Que macho tan bello con ese bálano tan hermoso y ese cuerpo tan esbelto y cuvierto de vello, haciéndole tan macho.
