Saturday, September 9, 2017

Best Practices for Sexual Health

Common sense and maybe a few surprises. . .

Eat a healthy diet
You are what you eat. What’s on your plate can affect your performance in the bedroom. By eating healthy foods that are rich in nutrients and low in fats, you will keep your “sexual” system in good working order. Strive for a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat, whole grains, and low-fat milk.

Exercise on a regular basis
Here’s another great reason to hit the gym: Men who aren’t active may find themselves with sexual problems. Exercise increases confidence and libido. Check with your physician before starting a program of regular cardio and strength training.

Stop smoking
Many doctors agree that smoking is a significant cause of sexual dysfunction in men. Studies have found that a majority of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are smokers. Smoking can also reduce sperm count and quality. It damages the small arteries that send blood to the penis, making it difficult at times to maintain an erection.

Learn how to manage stress
Stress can lead to sexual problems. It leaves you feeling exhausted, worried, uptight, and nervous. If you allow stress to manage your life, it will feel out of control. Learn stress management techniques like deep breathing and meditation. Find ways to handle anger and sadness. You’ll soon see the benefits of relaxation in the bedroom.

Do kegel exercises
No, kegels aren’t just for women. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles that connect the base of the penis with the tail bone. These muscles act to control the flow of fluids through the urethra. Through kegels, you learn how to delay ejaculation to heighten orgasms. To locate the muscles, try stopping the flow of urine. These are the muscles you need to tighten. Squeeze the muscles, hold for a few seconds, then relax.

Use lubricants
Lubricants can help gain a freer range of motion and increase sexual enjoyment. Did you know there are many different types of lubricants for different purposes? Lubricants can also help prevent tears that increase the risk of infection.

Get a check-up every year
It’s no secret that many men don’t like going to the doctor, but if you want to maintain your health, you should have a physical checkup at least once a year. Your doctor will be able to answer any questions you have. If you’re sleeping with more than partner or if you start sleeping with a new partner, it’s important to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

And as we know from Big Whack Attack, check your balls every day!

Drink less alcohol
It’s true: Bottoms up may keep it down. The more you drink, the more at risk you are for erectile dysfunction. Alcohol may make you feel sexier by lowering inhibition, but it also reduces libido, causes erectile problems, and can make it harder to orgasm.

Don't do illegal drugs
Some men take illegal drugs (or legal in some states) to get high, thinking that it will enhance their sexual experience. However, in most causes drugs have the opposite effect. To avoid erectile dysfunction, don’t do drugs. Some prescription drugs also can cause issues, so be aware of those as well.

Maintain a positive attitude
Medical studies show that men who have a positive attitude toward life also have a better sex life. So why not smile and try to keep your spirits up?

There are a variety of factors that contribute to a man’s libido, some with the ability to boost a man’s sexual potential. But which nutrients are the most important for keeping the sex drive alive? Here are foods that can help, according to scientific studies.

Protein is a key substance needed to produce testosterone in men. Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Medical School found that many vegetarians consume a low protein diet, leading to sexual problems later in life. Low protein diets were found to increase sex hormone-binding globulin in older men, which sticks to testosterone, making it unavailable for use by the body.

Zinc deficiency is linked to hypogonadism in men, a condition in which the sex glands produce little or no hormones. Researchers found that zinc can also play an important role in helping to regulate testosterone levels. Ultimately, zinc supplementation was linked to dramatic increases in testosterone in zinc-deficient young men and “significant” increases in elderly men with moderate zinc deficiency.


Consuming fiber keeps things moving in a man’s system, so to speak. But fiber is also associated with sex hormone-binding globulin, like protein. Consuming a sufficient amount of fiber reduces the amount of globulin that binds to testosterone, leaving more of the sex hormone for the body to use for sexual activity. Fiber can also help control your weight, helpful because an expanded waistline could inhibit sexual performance.

Vitamin C

In research from the Dubai Specialized Medical Center and Research Labs, vitamin C supplements were found to increase semen quality. Among infertile men, sperm count was increased significantly after taking vitamin C for two months. Though the study used vitamin C supplements, you can find the vitaminin citrus fruits, berries, watermelon, green and red peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and spinach, among others.

According to research from the University of Parma, magnesium intake affects the total amount of testosterone activity in the body, especially among older men. The study found that, in addition to being positively associated with testosterone in the body, magnesium acts as a modulator during the disruptive aging process; magnesium can help hold off the aging process, which can help a man stay youthful in terms of sexual performance.

L-arginine is an amino acid that helps with heart health, chest pain, high blood pressure, and migraine headaches, among other uses. Oh, and it is also used as a natural treatment for erectile dysfunction and male infertility. In the body, l-arginine is converted into nitric oxide, which opens up blood vessels for improved blood flow. It’s found in dairy products, red meat, poultry, and fish.

Negative: Soy
A case study published in the journal Nutrition found that a man with type 1 diabetes who had low testosterone regained full sexual functionality after cessation of his soy-rich vegan diet. That said, soy isn’t all bad, as it has been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and risks of some cancers. Soy is hidden in many processed foods so read labels to make sure you limit your overall intake of soy.

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