Wednesday, September 5, 2018

More About Alexander & Hephaistion

You'll have to read it here . . .

All material on this page is copyrighted to Jeanne Reames, and much has been published in other [more academic] venues. Please cite it properly for papers or other publications. It may not be reproduced in full or in part anywhere publicly on the web -- including in translation -- without my express consent. That's not difficult to get, but if I'm not asked, I will require you and/or your host provider to remove it. Use of the material here for non-profit academic/teaching purposes (such as classes, but not including pedagogical publications for sale) is automatically granted without a need to ask -- that's why I wrote it in the first place. Just please cite me. The images used above are credited/cited under Sources.

BTW, from everything I've read, Hephaistion was the erastes and Alexander the eromenos.

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