Monday, December 24, 2018

A Very Secular Follow-up

And it's still Christmas Eve!

Winding down . . .
Scooter and I started this blog 10 years ago and it's been a great ride. We've had fun and hope you have, too. Now it's time to put it to bed and at the end of the month that will be the last post to ALL NATURAL & MORE. Maybe it will come back in some other form one day, but life goes on as we all need to do. From now until 12/31 I'll be posting lots of pics including some new, some faves, a retrospective of banner boys, and a few tributes to Scooter & Bubba. Hope you like!


  1. Among all of the other hot pictures, it's great to see Jake again! Thanks.

  2. Thought I left this comment yesterday, but I must have goofed, as usual. I'm going to miss my daily dose of All Natural. Hope you and Scooter enjoy whatever you do in the future.

    Take care,

    Al DeHosse

  3. Merry Christmas! You are going to be sadly missed. Good things may have to come to an end, but I wish you had another decade in you - you have enriched more lives than you can imagine. You're wished love, peace and happiness wherever the trail takes you. Thanks so much for 10 years of pleasure. I miss you already.
