Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Funnies

Feelin' kinda political . . .



  1. Don't you just love the photo of the guy touting the "republican" Pledge. Can't spell, knows nothing about the government, but votes - those are the scary people; the ones who will never be persuaded by facts or the pleas to be decent human beings.

  2. Your blog is always a breath of fresh air no matter what's happening. Thank you so much. -- VDS --

  3. One factor that pushed your blog up into the 4th popularity class, plus, keeping it there, was the sharp-mind choice of signs apropos of the times. (Personally created signs???) And this, in addition to the presence & pleasure of a keen sense of humor that always spiced things up.

    The unique quality present in so many of your signs is their pic/text combination: The text being the punch line & the pic (photo/cartoon/symbol) being the context. This 2-factor combo slammed the inherent message in the verbal statement firmly into the reality around us. ...Much as Luther's nailing his list of edicts on the church door. The pic/text in your blog are the equivalent of the anecdotes we share with each other as an informal way of learning how to wise up to life's complication. Words alone are easily forgotten. -- VDS --
