Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Listening to the trial

Too bad this seems to have failed in working more effectively . . .


  1. Didn't sign my just submitted comment. --- VDS ---

  2. Too Bad the Trial Seems to Have Failed in Bringing Us Closer to Justice Thus Far....

    The Republican Senators Have Bonded Together in Their Support of Trump's Innocense. Or This Scenario of a Unified Stand & Prejudgment Prior to & Continuing during the Impeachment Trial is What Rep.Party wantsUs to Believe. The Current Situation Seems to Be an Impenetrable Solid Barricade & the Anticipation of a Mock, Sham Trial with No Hope of a Fair Trial.

    But Let's Discover the Limit of Each Senate Republican's Personal Limit of Party Cooperation, that Personal Line where that Limit Each of Us Won't Allow to Be Passed. Uncovering the Depth of Each Republican's Support for this Perversion of Justice Is Easily Accomplished.

    The Only Requirement Needed to Plumb the Limits/Depth of Each Republican Senator's Support/for the Party/Stand on this Issue Is that All (or Nearly All) Individuals Need to Be Questioned Almost Simultaneously to Avoid a New Party Slogan or Spin Being Passed around to CoverUp & Hide their Personal True Feelings.
    Each Republican Senator Needs to Be Asked 2 Simple Questions Singlely: 1) "Senator _______, Is It True that You Support the View that Pres. Trump is Innocent in the Impeachment Trial?"/"Senator. You Said that You Support President Trump. Well, then Why Don't You Invite Him over for Dinner to Show Your Support?"

    Lesson: "Don't Write Any Checks with Your Mouth That Your Body's Not Going to Cash." --- VDS ---
