Friday, June 4, 2021

Joe Jonas Update


Joe Jonas, IMO the sexiest of the bros, seems to have survived the beard epidemic in good shape . . .


  1. Ok---One brother that tries too damn hard is Nick--- Everything he does, to me, comes across as calculating and not authentic---His mannerisms---Judging on The Voice---Seems like he doesn't want people to know who he really is----It's ok---Life is short---Do you---You are lucky---You have the money---He can't sing---Well maybe a little and with a little help he is a STAR---

  2. Did you see the 25th anniversary broadcast of "Les Miz" on PBS? Nick was the weakest of them all, completely unsuited to the role. Joe seems a lot more genuine, especially now that's it looks like he's stopped manscaping. Natural is best!
