Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Respect for Marriage Act


If signed into law, the Respect for Marriage Act would overrule the currently dormant Defense of Marriage Act that cites marriage as a union between man and woman.

The act was nullified by Supreme Court decisions including Obergefell v Hodges in 2015, which made marriage equality the law of the land.
But after the Supreme Court voted to gut nationwide abortion protections by overturning Roe v Wade, fears arose that the same could happen to same-sex marriage.
“Passing this bill is as personal as it gets for so many of us,” Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer, who voted for the bill, tweeted. “My daughter and her wife – my daughter-in-law – are expecting a baby next spring.
“I want them – and everyone in a loving relationship – to live without fear that their rights could be stripped [away].”
All 50 Democrats voted in favor. The 37 Republicans who voted against the Respect for Marriage Act are as follows:
  • John Barrasso, WY
  • Marsha Blackburn, TN
  • John Boozman, AR
  • Mike Braun, IN
  • Bill Cassidy, LA
  • John Cornyn, TX
  • Tom Cotton, AR
  • Kevin Cramer, ND
  • Mike Crapo, ID
  • Ted Cruz, TX
  • Steve Daines, MT
  • Deb Fischer, NE
  • Lindsey Graham, SC
  • Chuck Grassley, IA
  • Bill Hagerty, TN
  • Josh Hawley, MO
  • John Hoeven, ND
  • Cindy Hyde-Smith, MS
  • Jim Inhofe, OK
  • Ron Johnson, WI
  • John Kennedy, LA
  • James Lankford, OK
  • Mike Lee, UT
  • Roger Marshall, KS
  • Mitch McConnell, KY
  • Jerry Moran, KS
  • Rand Paul, KY
  • Jim Risch, ID
  • Mike Rounds, SD
  • Marco Rubio, FL
  • Rick Scott, FL
  • Tim Scott, SC
  • Richard Shelby, AL
  • John Thune, SD
  • Patrick Toomey, PA
  • Tommy Tuberville, AL
  • Roger Wicker, MS


  1. In other words, the ones who voted against it are the usual "christian" suspects.

  2. In USA abortion and gay marriage will always be challenged by mostly red states.

    It's a beginning but as a Canadian I'm not sure that this law will remain in place in some states.

    USA can put probes on Mars or go to the moon but making safe lives for ALL Americans seems to always be facing religious lobbying in Washington and in each states.

    Saw the town hall of Mile Pence on CNN last night and he sums the philosophy of the GOP as Evangelical believes no matter what. He was calm and tasteless in his answer not taking real position on sensitive matters.

    Again this like the SCOTUS ruling on R & W a cha cha dance for liberty of rights in USA.
