Friday, December 30, 2022

A little bit of fiction - Part 1

Scooter and Bubba had been inseparable since they were kids. They had grown up together on the outskirts of a small town, their modest houses backing onto conservation land. Scooter was a year older and thought of Bubba as his kid brother or favorite cousin, something more than just a buddy.
As young boys, they spent their days exploring the forests that surrounded their homes, seeking out new adventures and challenges. They were always up for trying something new and were known for their boundless energy and enthusiasm. When they became teenagers, their natural curiosity exploded.
One summer Saturday morning when they were 14 and 13, they set out following a creek they’d never investigated before, expecting another adventure to add to their treasure chest of shared memories.
It was hot. Barefoot as always, they were wearing cargo shorts and had taken off their T-shirts. Scooter was a towhead, his light blond hair always tousled. Bubba had black hair. Both had blue eyes, though Scooter’s were bright and Bubba’s a deeper hue.
By noon, they had reached a bower along the creek bank and plopped down to enjoy the sun. Scooter was already tan but Bubba had to be careful not to burn because of his fair coloring. His mom always made him take sunblock along and he asked Scooter to spread some on his back.
Scooter told him to turn over on his belly and squeezed lotion out of the tube onto Bubba’s shoulders. As he spread the stuff around, he saw that Bubba’s legs were beginning to show fine black hairs with a smudge of the same under his arms. Scooter had developed early and had white-blond hairy legs and hirsute pits that exuded what Bubba secretly thought was the most intoxicating scent.
That secret gave Bubba some restless nights and embarrassing mornings after dreams he could barely remember but that left him with messy underwear. Stretched out on the grass in their bower, he summoned up the courage to ask Bubba if the same thing happened to him. Bubba grinned and said, “Sure.” Then he told him how much fun it could be making it go awake.
With a little quiver in his voice, Scooter asked, “Wanna see how I do it?” Bubba got a funny feeling in his stomach and softly answered, “Yeah.”
Scooter stood up, his body blocking the sun so that when Bubba turned over he saw him surrounded by a golden halo. Scooter unbuttoned his shorts and dropped them to the ground, his Hanes tighty-whities contrasting with the tan. He then skinned them off and stood there with a proud erection that to Bubba looked huge. Scooter chuckled and said, “It ain’t real long but it’s real thick. The girl I fucked said so.”
“You fucked a girl and didn’t tell me? Asshole!”
“Bubba, I don’t tell you everything, but maybe I should. Like how I chub up when I look at your ass.”
Bubba’s face turned red and he lowered his eyes.
“C’mon, let me see it. Take ’em off.”
Bubba swallowed and sat halfway up. “Scooter, for reals?”
“For reals.”
Bubba kicked off his shorts and laid there in his Hanes with an arm over his eyes. He felt Scooter squat down and slowly pull off the tighty-whities. His dick was hard and his face even redder, splotching down his neck.
Bubba whispered, “What now?” and Scooter laid on top of him. That crazy perfume filled his nostrils and went right from his brain to his groin.
Scooter locked his fingers with Bubba’s and stretched out their arms. “Now we’re really bros.” He leaned over and buried his face in Bubba’s neck. “Best bros.”
[To be continued]


1 comment:

  1. I love Scooter and Bubba! The way you described them at the beginning made me think of a good movie I saw recently called "Last Summer." Check it out!
