Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Big Tuesday Night Load



  1. My former boyfriend made me shave my chest, but a stopped before shave my pits

  2. I'm sometime a bit offended when I see that «hair» is like the only way to show how «maleness» is a man by having more hair than another.
    For sure each one have their favorite appereance for a man but hairy men isn't a garanty for maleness..

    I'm totally hairless, not even able to grow a beard of a decent moustache but I act like a «man» and in no way as a «sissy» which I sometime saw in some hairy «big bear».

    My ex 34yo BF who was a «cub» hairy even on his back did like that I could trim his body but letting just a good among of hair to be nice to see.

    Let men show their bodies as they like to be seen no matter the quantity of hair they like to show.
    The best of my condition is that without body hair I've always looked 10 years younger and also because even aging (I'm now 72yo) I still have ALL my hair on my head and few grey ones too...
