Monday, June 17, 2024

To some of my cousins



  1. Can I send this to my daughter without linking her to the website? She was in Texas recently for a step-daughter's graduation, where the President of Texas A&M bragged in a commencement speech that he had put a stop to drag shows on campus, and the crowd booed--not him but--drag shows! They clapped and booed. My daughter was appalled by Texas, the weather there, and the toxic macho-Cowboy "culture" they throw in your face. When she asked me what they are afraid of, I said they're afraid the Devil will lure them down off their crosses.

  2. Exactly, southern heritage, particularly in Texas, Louisiana, Florida began a century before the 13 colonies took shape. And no, it wasn't begun by the French, they arrived later, and by the 1790s they were arriving from Haití and Cuba.

  3. Well said !
    Maybe ignorance is why now in USA you are more divided then ever.

    Bad teaching of your history in schools and the none stop propaganda of those MAGA or biggots all over the internet which is less and less the place to find real facts and reliable ones too.

    Time to change your country's name of the «United States» to the «Divided States» of Noth America.

    PS. As a Canadian I really don't like when you call yourselves as «Americans» because me too am an American living in the continent mame Americaé.... Well more North America...

  4. SO well said. Love it!

    @ JiEL - I have long been saying that we are US citizens - not "Americans" for exactly the reason you state; there are Americans from the northern hemisphere to the southern.

  5. Based on the few Canadians I have known, they call us Americans because they wish to distinguish themselves to us crude residents of the USA. I guess the entire Western Hemisphere is technically America. Nobody owns the name. If Canadians feel left out, maybe that's your choice not ours. The United States has had regional and philosophical conflicts since before we were officially a country. We are the most diverse nation on earth. Thus, conflict is inevitable. That's why we are a democracy--to facilitate settling our differences peacefully, if possible. If our differences are due to ignorance, well, that has been around since the beginning of time as well.
