Friday, August 2, 2024

FYI, for the guy who innocently said it isn't what it is


The Project 2025 Leader Stepped Down. It Means Nothing

The document of doom is still a playbook for any GOP administration, and it still has Trump's fingerprints all over it.


JiEL said...

OMG! The best path for USA to go back in the early 21th century if this orange felon is elected in November.
I cannot imagine such a proposal here in Canada as our Constitution and Canadian Charter of Freedoms and Rights are inbeded in concret for ALL Canadians.

Religion and biggotry is no more in our way of living here.

Kamala said it, do you want to go back in the past or building a future for USA?

Anonymous said...

The Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society and others of their ilk will just regroup and repackage their insane contract on America to make it more palatable. If Trump fails, they will find a more amiable politician to fool the public. Even worse, they support groups in other nations to expand their lunacy across the world and create alliances to undermine democracy.
They must be routed like the fifth columnists that they are.