You hang out together…

maybe have a few beers…

maybe even get wasted...

You do stuff together...

All kinds o' stuff you don’t do w/girls.

Sometimes weird frat sh*t...

You compare. And compete. Just for fun. Except it’s really to establish who’s a little bit more developed or a little bit stronger. Guys like to know that sh*t. But if you’re even, you’re proud for each other.

You help each other out...

in all kinds o’ ways…

and keep each other outta trouble.

You understand w/o havin' to explain. You talk as f*ckin’ dirty as you want 'cause it's what guys do and you can't do that w/girls. You’re totally honest with lotsa unspoken communication...

You express your bud-ship through physicality...
All kinds o' physicality...

Even when you fight, you're careful to go for whatever gets it over fastest with the least hurt...

But at the end o' the day, you're just there for each other, whatever it takes. And that's what it means to be a bud.

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