Saturday, January 31, 2015

"Merlin" Nostalgia

Been feeling nostalgic for "Merlin" lately...or maybe just seeing Merlin/Colin and Arthur/Bradley together again. Or just Bradley. Either way...

Big Random Saturday Load

A little more personality than skin today...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday PM

Hoping to be back up to full service soon...


It must be a symptom of the flu becuz normally I have an aversion to models. But last nite and 2day these are interesting. Dude's name is Sean O'Pry. Back story is that a talent scout saw his h.s. picture back in Georgia on MySpace and recruited him, now he's one of the top models in the world. I'm leaving these full size so you can see there are a few natural man feathers on his chest...

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Checking in

Hey Folks, TKS for the good wishes. Still fluish, but wanted to say hello.

This is a model named Jacob Morton before he was really famous on the fashion scene. Young and skinny but what a great natural look. The more famous he got, the more hairless and gaunt they made him look, even trimming down his eyebrows for god's sake. C'est la fucking vie!

P.S. See what I least they didn't shave his legs...