This article from a few years ago stuck with me and explains why the last
couple seasons of Teen Wolf were so disappointing — other than the dumbass
supernatural plots . . .
I was never one of those who wanted Stiles (Dylan
O’Brien) to be openly or secretly gay in spite of all the teasing and Sterek
homo-promo gaybaiting early on — that produced fan art like some of those below.
All I wanted was to see the writers and producers and directors have the courage
to show physical affection between the lead guys. They were clearly spooked by
the whole idea and instead introduced overtly gay characters to take the
pressure off. Which was fine because those characters were hot and added some
much-needed dimension to the proceedings. But Stiles was the uber-sensitive guy
who could relate to everybody and whose wit and sense of humor kept things from
getting too bogged down in the ridiculous. So in the end, Teen
Wolf chickened out. (When asked at one point if
Stiles might be bisexual, Tyler Posey shot off some near homophobic tweets).
Rather than permit any hint of bisexuality or even a kiss on the cheek between
the principles, it was relegated to the secondary characters. It’s too bad
because they had a chance to do something ground-breaking for a show of its
kind. Instead, we had to wait for and were brilliantly rewarded with the honesty
and genuine feeling in Eyewitness. But we have great memories of Dylan O’Brien making
his character the one we liked best, going off to featured roles in movies . . .

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