Thursday, July 25, 2024

Making the rounds


it's a sexuality where we're homies but it ain't gay cause we’re just homies
person1: ay bruh u kiss yo homies gn?
person2: naw thats gay af
person1: nah it's jus homiesexual ! 👅
when you act 100gay with your friends but you’re actually straight
tyler: can i tickle your balls real quick?
jackson: no that’s gross!
tyler: don’t worry, it’s homiesexual

Homiesexual, a word derived from homosexual. But it's gayness with and for the homies. Because this gayness is conducted around and in the homies. It is not gay nor will it ever be. Since your homie is always a homie and only a homie. You and them cannot be accountable for any actions that may sound gay.
Friend: "Did you jerk Kenny off last night??"
Me: "Yep, but its cool we homiesexual!"
Friend: "Oh, did y'all say no homo?"
Me: "No need, we wore socks"

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