BROMANCE refers to relationships shared by two males who can be straight, bi, gay, or any gradation in between. BROMANCE is characterized by varying degrees of masculine affection, devotion, loyalty, solidarity, shared experiences, physical closeness, love. Bros are teammates, roommates, punch-in-the-arm best buddies who play ball together, shower together, j.o. together, double-date and fuck girls together, take advantage of being fuck-buddies now and then, or are devoted to one another body and soul like Scooter and Bubba. Figuring it out can be a challenge for those on the outside because of the complicated emotions and influences involved, so bros never worry about figuring it out and just go with it. Including sex, which has the advantage of being convenient because of proximity and easy because dudes are always horny. Bros instinctively understand without having to explain their feelings. Bros are “there” for each other without question or hesitation. Bros trust each other, have the most fun with each other, would do almost anything for -- and with! -- each other. The images below illustrate different aspects of bros and BROMANCE . . .

. . . even red-neck boys -- as long as they're in the woods . . .
So many of the Bro pics that were perfect; hard to pic a favorite or one that encompasses it all.
Second pic = pick. ;-)
34 & 35.
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